This page was originally part of The Jaguar's Realm

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JagRealm's BJL MOD FAQ

Sorry, this is all I have right now. E-mail me (JagCat64) for any questions, and not only will I try my best to answer your question, I will add it to the FAQ.

1. Question:

What is BJL?

1. Answer:

BJL stands for Behind Jaggy Lines. What is it? Its a modification that you do to the Jag to be able to download Jaguar server games. You would hook the Jaguar to your computor's serial port, using a cable which is hooked up to the Jaguar's 2nd player port. You would download the games off the internet. After you have done that, you would use a special uploader which would send the game to the EPROM inside the Jaguar. To get the uploader, go to the BJL links, and click on the BJL Homepage. BJL also allows you to develope on the Jaguar instead of buying an expensive Jaguar developer's kit. You could make a game using C language and then using a 68k compiler which I think comes with the 1997 BJL file in The BJL Homepage.



Where is pin 22 and pin 32 located at?

2. Answer:

If you look at the top of the Jaguar's Boot Rom, you will see a small circle on the upper left hand side of the chip. This circle marks pin 1 on the rom chip. count down the lefthand side of the chip you will count down the chip to 16. These are pins one through 16 on the chip. Now circle around the bottom of the chip and start to count from the bottom up to the top on the right side of the chip. These are pins 17 to 32 on the chip. So pin 22 is the sixth pin up from the bottom on the right side of the chip. you can see it easily by looking on the pcb (printed crcuit board) there is a lead that wraps around the bottom of the chip to pin 21. it is just above where that lead hits the ic on the right side here is a simple text diagram of the chip.

back of jag


          cart port      o            =o=          |  |          |


          ===========|                      1   =o#O##=~|    32

          ===========|                          =#####= |

                                                =#####=  & <==run resistors and

                    jag rom ic --------->       =#####=  &          switch here

                                                =#####=  |

                                                =#####=<=pin 21and 22

                                                =#####=   \

                                      16        =#####=   |           17

            lead around  chip >   _____  **    |

\___/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------