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Jaguar interactive II

Encryption discovery story

Posted by Glenn Bruner ( on January 27, 2001 at 17:21:59:

Well, not much of a story to tell.

Before I joined the Air Force in 1984...oh wait a minute, not my life story!

I'm from Silicon Valley and still have a friend from High School who I have
keep an eye out for stuff in surplus shops.

He found a obscure 88meg Syquest cartridge for me recently. It took me a little
while to find a Syquest drive to read it on. I only had a 44meg drive. I managed
to find one on Ebay for $14 (200Meg drive).

Well, I used an old Centris 660AV Macintosh running MagicMac to read the disk. Talk
about a round about way to read a ST disk. But my 1040STFM doesn't do SCSI and this was
a method I used to read some Syquest disks that were pulled out of Atari's dumpsters when
they closed down in '96.

After careful picking through of the files on the disk I found a file called TYPEAB.XXX.
Didn't think much of it. Open it up with a hex editor. I noticed something very familar
about the file. I've looked at enough Jaguar cart images with a hex editor trying to hack
the ROM encryption code several years ago. Since I have an Alpine board now, I fired it up
and did the test that I described in the README file. I was amazed at the results I got.

I didn't mention this in the README because I didn't expect people to really care how it
was found. Boy have I been wrong!!

The interesting thing about the file name mentioned above is TYPE AB. Universal blood donor
type! Pretty sneaky cover name for a file.

Told John Hardie about it and that's when he mentioned that Lynx Encryption was also found.
He asked me if we could announce this on the CG Expo page. I agreed since it would get more
exposure that way.

That's it. Just glad I was able to give a fine contribution to the Jaguar community.

Glenn Bruner
[email protected]